Curriculum Overview



Following the release of the new National Curriculum in 2014, we designed our school curriculum on an enquiry based programme. Each unit is set as a question and begins with a 'wow' experience in order to engage, enthuse and motivate our learners. Adopting a child-centred, holistic approach to curriculum ensures that learning is personalised, appropriate to the needs of individual children, takes into account children's interests, while supporting their physical, emotional, academic and social development. For example, along with core subjects and foundation subjects, PSHE, daily 'family time', outdoor learning, mindfulness, Forest School sessions and P.E. are also key elements of our school curriculum. In January 2020 we reviewed our curriculum again as part of our ongoing self-evaluation. Our aim was to ensure that the curriculum we provide is matched the the needs and context of our children. As a result we identified some key curriculum drivers:


We provide a rich and varied menu of extra curricular activites, visits and residentials. From September 2019 we will be tracking children's enrichment achievements with a personal development record which they will update throughout their time at The Brow.

On each class page there is access to termly pathway journey documents. This will give you an overview of what your child will be learning each half term.

Children in years 2 and 6 undertake national testing in English and Mathematics which will involve testing of mental mathematics skills and grammar, punctuation and spelling in English and in year 1 the children will take the national phonics screening test. 

Our EYFS and Key Stage One children receive daily quality first phonics teaching planned from the Letters and Sounds document.

Guided Reading is started with the Big Cat Phonics and Big Cat reading scheme. Our home readers and higher level books for Guided Reading are book banded using the criteria from 'Book Bands for Guided Reading'.

Since October 2018 we have been working as part of the North West Maths Hub and follow the 5-Part Lesson model of mathematics teaching, incorprating concrete-pictorial-abstract strategies alongside daily practice of basic skills to develop children's mental arithmetic confidence and efficiency.

* For further information about the curriculum in your child's class, please see the class pages where you can access the current medium term planning and homework menus.

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The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]