Class 5 2023 - 2024

Miss Parr

Welcome to Class 5

This is our class page where you will find out what we have been learning and enjoying each term.

You can also find updates on Miss Parr at The Brow on Facebook.

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Mrs Baker (Teacher), Ms Petrie (Teaching Assistant) and Miss Kelly (Pupil Support)



What will we learn in Summer 2?


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In our Maths sessions this half term, we will be diving into Area & Perimeter, Position & Direction and Statistics.

We will be learning to:

Find the area and perimeter of a range of rectiliniar shapes.

Rotate and translate shapes, and investigate symmetry in shapes.

Use and interpret a range of graphs and charts.



Our Curriculum driver for this half term is History:


In History, pupils will develop their understanding of the characteristic features of a non-EU society including culture, economy, social history and also the significance of these events in relation to the Slave Trade. They will also explore how Britain influenced other societies around the world. 

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This half term in Science, we will be exploring how humans change as we grow older. We will investigate the stages of life and what this looks like.

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In RE, we are learning about Judaism and thinking about where we seek guidance in our lives.

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This half term we will be developing our skills in Tennis and Athletics in preparation for Sports Day.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday & Wednesday.

Please ensure your child attends school in full PE kit on these days: plain dark jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt, school jumper/hoodie and coomfortable trainers.



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Homework will be set weekly on SeeSaw (click the logo to access).

The children will be set a spelling task, a reading task, a maths task and an optional maths game. These should be completed at returned by the following Monday to allow time for marking and feedback before the next task is set. If you require paper copies of these activities, please let Miss Parr know and we will arrange for a printed copy to be available each week.

Please see Miss Parr for more infomation if you need it.




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We Respect. We LearnWe Are Happy.

Get In Touch


The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]