Class 2 2023 - 2024

Miss Kavanagh

Welcome to our Class 2 page

This is our class page where you will find out what we have been learning and enjoying each term.

You can also find updates on Miss Kavanagh at The Brow on Facebook.




Miss Kavanagh (teacher) and Mrs Gill (TA)


What will we learn in Summer 2?

This half term in English, we will be reading Fox by Kathy Henderson, Grandad’s Secret Giant by David Litchfield and Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Usborne.






In our math’s sessions this half term, we will be learning about fractions and position and direction.



Maths c22.png

Position and direction

Maths c23.png



In History the children will learn about the life of a significant individual (Ranulph Fiennes).

History c2.png



In RE, we are exploring the Jewish faith and will be asking ourselves ‘What aspects of life really matter?’

RE c2.png



This half term we will be focusing on net and wall games skills and athletics in preperation for sports day.

Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays.

Please ensure your child attends school in full PE kit on these days: plain dark jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt, school jumper/hoodie and comfortable trainers.



Homework books will be sent home every Wednesday to be returned by the following Monday to allow time for marking and feedback before the next task is set.

Please see Miss Kavanagh for more information if you need it.

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We Respect. We LearnWe Are Happy.

Get In Touch


The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]