Sports Premium

The website will be regularly updated with how the funding is being spent and the impact it is having on the children.

At The Brow Community Primary School we are working towards a holistic approach that encourages children to develop a passion for Physical Education. We thoroughly believe in the importance of being active as a key to unlocking a child's potential and improving their health and well being.

We develop children's skills through a well balanced curriculum led by staff and specialised sports coaches and a broad range of activities: in-school competitions; events, festivals and competitions outside school and a variety of extra-curricular activities. Our children love to be outside and physical activity is embedded in many activities we do throughout the week, including outdoor learning, Forest Schools and our daily mile walk.

Children play an important role in shaping our school PE provision. We regularly conduct pupil interviews and consultations to find out about children's interest and their opinions about current and future PE opportunities. We have recently set up a School Game Committee, led by our Sports Captains in Class 6, comprising children from all classes. They will help to influence our continuing PE provision and how our Sports Premium should be spent. Children are pleased to now have a Multi-Use Games Area on our school playground, used for PE lessons, playtimes, lunchtimes and afterschool clubs, and a trim trail. 

As we continue to improve the links between school staff, children, parents and the wider community, this page will soon be updated with further information to demonstrate how PE is being taught in our school.

Miss Scutt

PE Leader 

Pupil Voice

The feedback from this year’s pupil PE questionnaire has been overwhelmingly positive.

School Strengths:

  • Children feel they are making good progress
  • They know how well they are doing and what their next steps are
  • They are active most of the time in their lessons
  • They get to play competitive games
  • Teachers make the learning interesting
  • There are enough resources for everybody
  • The PE areas are tidy and well looked after
  • Teachers listen if you need help

“I like catching and throwing”, Year 1

“It’s fun because we played a game to find treasure”, Year 1

“ I enjoy gymnastics because we get to do different shapes”, Year 4

“We get to make friends and work with children in other classes”, Year 4

“I like handball, but I like karate even better!”, Year 3

Our Sports Captains said:

“PE is great for making friends and we get the chance to practise which is good for our school. It’s fun to go to competitions with other schools; every child should have at least one opportunity to take part in a school competition.”

What we can improve:

  • Children would like more opportunity to be a leader in the lesson
  • Children would like to use more ICT in PE lessons
  • Children would like greater opportunities to take part in physical activity during lunch time provision

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We Respect. We LearnWe Are Happy.

Get In Touch


The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]